Monday, September 28, 2009

This is my first post on my Blog. I thought I would tell a little about myself. I’m a 47 year old mother of 4 and soon to be grandmother. I think I have always been into more natural ways of health. I had a good friend Tracy 14 years ago who started me into Holist health using herbs. I liked the idea of using herbs to heal us not pharmaceutical drugs. However in 1996 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and was told that it was incurable, this made me so mad. I was mad at my body for failing me, I was only 32, but I was also mad because I was told that even though fibromyalgia would not kill me it was something I would have to live the rest of my life with. I was given powerful drugs to treat it with, but was never told when I would be able to stop taking them. After about 2 weeks on the drugs I had enough. I went back to my herbs and I started using massage therapy to relive the pain. Now 13 years later I still have Fibromyalgia, but it’s no worse then it was from the start, if anything I forget that I have it most days. But this was just a start for me. I got more into the holistic side of things, I started reading everything I could on how to treat yourself for everyday problems. After a few years I started having friends come to me for answers to their health problems. This brought me to Clayton College for Natural Health, where I’m working on my Bachelor of Science in Natural Health. I’m lucky that I have a great co-op in my area that has classes twice a week. Now after going off and on for the past 13years listen to lots of different people talk on many topics I started to see a trend. A lot of people, who had been sick with things like Cancer, were curing themselves with out chemo and radiation. Now this was important to me because kidney, colon cancer both run in my family and let’s face it, CANCER scares me. So I stated looking into how they were curing themselves and found something called Raw and living food. No not Sushi. We are talking about food that is not cooked or heated over 115 degrees. One man I listened to had stage 4 cancer, all he had removed was the mass under his chin, nothing else. His doctor told him without chemo he would die. Well he went home went Raw, and 14 months later, and 52 pounds lighter, NO CANCER. Wow… In the past 18 months I’ve read everything I could get on what is known as Enzymes therapy. One thing I have is on Dr. Ann Wigmore, who was one of the first people to find out how Enzymes in our food could cure us of just about anything. I also have info from Dr, Lorraine Day ,
who cured herself of cancer using her own plan for Enzyme therapy. So here I am 18months later, and about 80% Raw. The bad thing about Raw eating and cooking or uncooking, is that when you make something it tastes ok but you wonder is that what it’s supposed to taste like? I went ahead and bought all the equipment I would need, you know a Vita-mix, a 9 drawer Excalibur food dehydrator, and much, much more. But still I was never sure if I was doing it right and I wanted to start making my own raw recipes, but when the ingredients you are using are things you had never heard of like Lacuma, now what the heck is that? Where to start I thought. Well late August I went to see Alissa Cohen at her B&B in Maine. 4 days of 100% Raw and living food, plus so much on the raw lifestyle. Alissa has so much to give; years of doing this for herself, she has learned what works and was does not. That last day was a long one, but the food was out of this world. We spent 12 hours at her restaurant Grezzo in Boston. Her head chef Lea has a gift that turns fruits, veggies and nuts into gourmet food. I wanted to see what real raw cheese was suppose to taste like, let me tell you it was nothing like mine. I believe that the food was as good as any I’ve have had at cooked food restaurants. I learned what I was doing wrong and I learned what the secret was to making raw food taste as good as cooked food.
I feel all of us need to be more proactive about our health, and stop putting our lives blindly in the hands of our doctors. My family now calls me Dr Mom, well all expect my 16 year old and she calls me the witch doctor, with a 16yr old it could have been worse. I like to think that in my 47 years I have learned a little something and if I had to I could heal myself or my family. Thanks for taking the time to read my new blog, until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that this is starting for you Carrie. I know that you do value the natural way of doing things. I don't know if I am on board with raw living (I like fried chicken way to much) but I do listen to your holistic ways of healing. No matter what your adorable 16 year old says.
